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West Ham United FC

West Ham United was founded in 1895 and is one of the most famous football clubs in England. 

If you take the Northern Line to the market in Camden Town, you will find souvenirs in the form of pens, lighters, scarves, and hats from some of the biggest teams in England and from West Ham United. In fact, although the team is unable to compete with the likes of United, Liverpool, Chelsea, and so on when it comes to quality on the pitch, West Ham are one of the most beloved teams in England, and even have supporters from all over the world. 
In recent years, they have discovered some true stars, such as John Terry, Frank Lampard, Joe Cole, and the hero of the 1966 World Cup: Bobby Moore. 

One explanation to West Ham's great ability at discovering stars can be traced to the fact that the club welcomes any child who wants to play football and let them test train with the club. This is not the case for most of established Premier League teams, which are scouting young talents and have an invite-only policy for their academies. Had West Ham managed to retain all the great players they have schooled throughout the years, they would be one of the most successful clubs in the country. 

West Ham's fortunes reflect those of the area the club originated from. East London is a tough area to live in, and the visiting supporters are usually heard singing "East London is like the back streets of Delhi". The reality of life in East London has inevitably had an effect on every aspect of being a West Ham’s supporter. For example, in the famous West Ham song "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles", one of the lines in the lyrics goes: "Fortunes always hiding, I look everywhere". Many say that the song is aimed at supporters’s harsh living conditions, as well as the team's lack of success. 

West Ham supporters are also known for the movie ‘Green Street Hooligans’, and for the rivalry between West Ham’s firm, ICF (Inter City Firm), and The Millwall Bushwackers.

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West Ham United FC

Here you can see West Ham's fixture at London Stadium this season. We do sell tickets to all below home matches in Premier League and The FA Cup.

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